Many businessmen do not have the correct view of the interconnection between the areas of activity of their companies and their departments, in the tourism segment. Of course, we are mainly talking here about those smaller enterprises, which are generally managed by owner families, without a high level of management in terms of business professionalism.

We can put as an example, the lack of vision of how much CRMs and all technology can collaborate decisively in the company’s growth. Incredible as it may seem, even today we find enterprises in the area of ​​Hotels and Resorts, which operate with excel spreadsheets for their reservations, completely limiting the use of a database, which can provide them with knowledge of their customers, which would act decisively in market research and direction of its sales strategies.

Today there are software supporting timeshare companies, which fully interact with the various segments of operational activities from reservations, through marketing, sales, ending in contracts, extending to the administration of maintenance fees or hotel rates.

With such a tool, qualified professionals have a complete database, where analysis can be carried out, which will give the entrepreneur the security of the success of his business growth, with his sales departments producing exceptional results.

There are obviously other examples in this sense, which we will explore in later articles, but here we want to draw the attention of entrepreneurs to open their minds to everything that is developing in technology around them, because without the good and effective use of these tools, they would not survive in the very near future.


Enio Caccuri

Journalist and Commercial Director